A Dreamer’s World

It is hard not to dream when we live in a dreamer’s world. Afterall, we watch the moon dress itself with a slip of clouds which pass and taint the direct view only for a moment and, once again, leave it naked in the night. And every evening, when the sun says, “it is finished for now,” and disappears with a show only words like, “majestic, wondrous, and surreal,” may be fit to describe. And here in our little world – our little earth – the baby bird must learn to fall before it may fly. But fly it does. And every night all becomes black, and God’s daily cycle endows us with a gift, the gift to learn to see without our sight. And before man put flute to lips, the birds greeted their old friend, the sun, with song. It is no wonder we sometimes fear what we do not understand. Before we knew how to check the grass for snakes, the mountains towered fiercely and blocked the sky. They demanded wonder and challenged the viewer to ask, “What is at the top?”

Yes. It is no grand thing that our imagination sometimes takes us away, and we forget the duties of life. For we were taught by the creation around us, taught to dream dreams even bigger than the night.

A. Faith.

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